The Mesmerizing Story of Henrietta Lacks

This semester in AP Biology, we read The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. This book is about the woman and the family behind the famous HeLa cells that were the first human cells that could survive in a culture. HeLa cells have been used in research that led to amazing discoveries such as the …

AP Exam Reflection

Yesterday, we took the long anticipated AP Biology exam! This three hour test assessed all of the information and skills that we learned in biology class this year, which is a LOT of information! Despite the stress and panic that is commonly associated with this test, that shouldn't be the case. This test is a …

Save the Bay!

Earlier this week, we went on a field trip to Byxbee Park in Palo Alto, CA. The park is a wetland with a huge range of biodiversity, including several endemic and endangered species. Save the Bay is an organization based in Oakland that is focused on restoring the sections of the bay area that were harmed …

Kingdom Protista Survey

This past week in AP Biology class, we spent time researching and studying organisms in the Protista kingdom. Kingdom Protista is the kingdom in which scientists classify organisms that don't fit in any other kingdom. Protists often have animal or plant-like characteristics. We researched the different types of seaweed and looked at protozoans underneath our microscopes. …