About me

Hey there! I’m so glad that you found my website! This site is where I document all the amazing activities we do in my AP Biology class. Watch the video to learn more about me and enjoy exploring my website!

Digital Site Reflection

We’ve come to the end of the year! It’s crazy how quickly this year passed! As we approach the end of AP Biology, I look back at my site and see all of the products we made and the activities we did. Keeping this digital portfolio is an excellent way for me to keep track of my experiences and all that we learned. All of the content from this year is all organized in one place and presented in interesting ways, making this site a useful study tool. When I was studying for the AP exam, this site was a major study resource. I watched the videos I made about meiosis and our class’s simulation of the lac operon to review the concepts. In addition to being a great study tool, this site helps me track my progress throughout the year. I can see all of the different tools that I learned to use such as easel.ly to create the non-polio enterovirus infographic. I can also see the change in writing style. In the reflection for semester 1, I wrote that my goal was to add more of my voice and opinion to my blogs. I achieved that goal by inserting my voice more into blogs such as “The Mesmerizing Story of Henrietta Lacks”.

In addition to having personal benefits, this digital portfolio also benefits the community. A huge part of the scientific world is COMMUNICATION! After all, a step in the scientific process is to share the results. Without communication and the sharing of information, the scientific world would be isolated to individuals and progress would be extremely slow and inefficient.  Having a digital portfolio allowed me and my classmates to view each other’s work and share our work with other students and teachers. Getting comments and retweets from people that I don’t know is especially exciting since it means that someone out there takes interest in my work!

Overall, making this digital portfolio was extremely rewarding, and I know that in a few years when I’m studying biology in college, I will revisit this site and remember all of the fond memories in AP Biology. I’m sad that this course is coming to an end because it was one of my favorite classes, but I have something to remember it by and to look back at. It has been an amazing year, and this site captures all of the highlights of this class.

Enjoy photos from some of my favorite experiences this year!


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Dear Future AP Bio!!

For those taking AP Biology in the future, here are a few helpful tips for success!

4 Replies to “About me”

  1. Truly a resourceful tool for recording everything you learned over the semester. Sports med enjoyed taking the field trip with you all to Body Worlds and I was so glad you were able to experience the tour of the cadaver lab at CSM!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your website is so well organized and visually appealing with the different pictures and videos you’ve used. I especially liked reading your blog post about Pope Francis’ document “Laudato Si'” and how he is trying to bridge science and religion together despite their rocky pasts. This makes biology look like tons of fun and very interesting to learn about!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for creating this website and recording what you have learned in the past school year. I am pretty sure that it will help other biology students, but I am definitely sure that it has helped you learn about the world, from microscopic levels to the biosphere!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Vanessa, thank you so much for joining Team AP Bio! I have so enjoyed spending another year of your NDB journey with you. You are an impressive teammate, both in the classroom and on the court. I am glad you found the process of making your site valuable and I love that you used it as a review resource. Your site brilliantly showcases your work. Including the photo gallery after your reflection was such an excellent way to capture some of the memories from the year. I can tell that you had fun making the Dear Future Bio video. Great tips from a fabulous team! I am very thankful to have such an outstanding group of juniors and I love knowing that I will get to see you around NDB for one more year before it is your turn to head off to college. Please promise to stop by 263 and keep me updated. I know you will continue to achieve well earned success. Keep up the awesome effort!


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